Correct Way to Workout at the Gym

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Workout at the Gym

Before beginning a gym workout, one must understand the correct way to do a gym workout. Learning the correct way will help a person focus their energy on the right exercises and avoid injuries. 

1. Warm-up

The easiest and most effective way to prepare the body for a workout is to warm up. Start by doing exercises that increase circulation and target the muscles one will be working on. It takes about 8 to 12 minutes to warm up fully.

2. Start with moderate-intensity cardio

Start with 5 to 12 minutes of mild to moderate -intensity cardio to get the blood flowing. An individual can do this in the form of a quick dynamic warm-up or use a treadmill or cross-trainer. Doing more than 5-12 minutes of cardio can fatigue the muscles too much.

3. Do multi-joint before single-joint

Multi-joint-also called “compound”-exercises. Compound exercises like the deadlift, back squat and push press are movements that work multiple joints (ex: knees, hips, and shoulders) and thus multiple muscle groups at the same time. These exercises can:

  • Improve full-body strength
  • Increase the heart rate quickly
  • Improve coordination and balance

4. Keep core circuits for the end

Core circuits should be done at the end of the workout. Remember that compound movement and full-body moves will work the core even more than a crunch or plank. One should not go for such exercises when their core is already taxed.

A great workout is not determined by the number of minutes spent in the gym. A 45-minute dull workout and spending most of the time on the phone is probably not a good session. However, 30 focused minutes, completing reps, and sets efficiently with correct rest time, a perfect form can help complete a successful gym workout and avoid injuries.

To start a gym workout correctly, one can perform some warm-up exercises on a cross strainer or use cycling. However, they must remember to take some necessary precautions on a cross-trainer and while cycling.

Basic precautions for cross trainers

cross trainers

Cross trainers use pedals to simulate stair climbing without applying any pressure on the joints. 

They are best for people with injuries, for burning fat, and are excellent for toning and strengthening muscles. 

However, using proper methods on a cross-trainer is essential to decrease the risk of injury. One can follow the guidelines mentioned below:

1. Start slow

First, it is essential to step on the machine carefully and slowly. Once the cross trainer starts, keep the movements slow, letting the muscles warm-up and get ready. Continue at this pace for five-ten minutes, then raise the speed to a higher level as per comfort.

2. Watch the heart rate

Think of the heart rate monitor as a new best friend – it is present for an important reason. The handy monitor keeps the heart rate within the target, so the person does not overexert themselves.

To begin using the heart rate monitor, find the monitor, then set the target heart rate. Place hands on the sensors to begin the workout. One must remember if they feel out of breath or weak, they must stop. 

3. Hold the handrails lightly

It is recommended that the person holds onto the handrails while being on the machine. They are designed to keep one secure and keep the body in the right place throughout the workout. Grip them lightly and keep the arms relaxed.

4. Maintain proper alignment

If the posture is off, one might not get the most out of their workout. Plus, they will feel uncomfortable and stiff later. Step on the cross trainer with a straight back, keep the shoulders back and the head high. Keep the core tight to maintain this stance. When it comes to the feet, it is essential to keep them close to the pedals’ top. 

Basic precautions while cycling

Basic precautions while cycling

Cycling in a gym is safer than riding a bike on the road; however, there are safety concerns to think of:

  • One can get injured or have muscle fatigue from the repetitive motion and due to poor form.
  • One might fall off the bike or hurt themselves if they do not balance themselves correctly.

To remain safe while cycling, follow the basic precautions for cycling mentioned below:

  • Always position the body correctly and utilize proper form. If one is not sure of the correct position or right form, ask a certified personal trainer for assistance.
  • If the person develops any pain or muscles aches from cycling, they must take a break to give the body some time to recover.
  • One should not exert themselves beyond their limits, particularly when cycling in a group class. Do not get compelled to continue with the group. It can be dangerous if one pushes themselves too hard, mainly if they are new to exercising.
  • One must consult a specialist before cycling if they have issues like blood pressure, weak heart, muscle, and joint aches.

Cycling indoors can enhance muscle strength, burn body fat, and lose weight while being kind to the joints. However, following the above-mentioned basic precautions is necessary to avoid any risk of injuries.

When to consult a sports injury specialist?

When a person faces any gym injury, they must use immediate measures like applying ice and not moving the injured area. However, if the pain does not go away, they must visit a sports injury doctor in Gurgaon.

One must consult a sports injury specialist right away:

  • If the injury causes too much swelling, bruising, or deformity
  • If the pain is severe and swelling or pain does not go away after a few days

The sports injury specialist might suggest medicines to help one feel better. Medications can help with pain and swelling. Furthermore, they may recommend a device, such as a sling or a splint, to help the injured area heal.

Some sports injury specialists recommend performing different exercises at the gym. For example, instead of using treadmills for warm-up, one can also perform mild stretches and jumps. Performing various exercises can minimize the risk of too much stress on the same joints all the time.

Dr. Ratnav Ratan
Dr. Ratnav Ratan
Pediatric Orthopedist and Sports Medicine specialist

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