Best Sports Injury Doctor in Gurgaon

Sports injuries can occur to children and adults during exercising or while playing individual sports. Sports injuries are more likely to take place they are playing after quite some time or during contact sports.  The other common reason for sports injury is the failure to do warm-up exercises before any sports activity. People in Gurgaon, consult Dr. Ratnav Ratan, best sports injury doctor in gurgaon. if they are facing any type of sports injuries.

Given below are the types of Sports Injuries

Ligament Tears

Ligament tears are common injuries that occur to sportspeople, including children.  Constant activity and stress on the body during a game or a practice session can cause ligament tear.  A ligament tear will force a joint especially the knee, ankle and wrist out of its normal position. Ligament tears can occur in the thumb, the back and the neck.

Most commonly occurring ligament tears happen in the knee viz. anterior cruciate ligament – ACL, posterior cruciate ligament – PCL and Meniscus Tear, for which people consult sports injury doctor in Gurgaon.

Treatment – The initial Treatment for ligament tear involves R.I.C.E: 

  • Rest for a short period – no further stress or strain to the injured area
  • Ice Application – to limit swelling and provide short term relief.
  • Compression – wrap the injured area with an elastic bandage to limit swelling and pain relief.
  • Elevation – raise the injured area above heart level to control blood flow and reduce swelling.

The doctor may recommend over-the-counter pain medications too. You can consult Dr. Ratnav Ratan, a sports injury doctor in gurgaon. The further course of treatment depends upon the grade of ligament tear, which requires in-depth diagnosis. If nonsurgical treatment along with rest does not bring relief, the orthopedic surgeon will perform an arthroscopy.


An ACL injury refers to a ligament tear in the anterior cruciate ligament – a major ligament of the knee. The patient will hear or feel a ’pop’ sound in the knee when playing basketball, football, soccer or skiing down the slope. The predominant action will be a sudden stop or change in direction or landing or jumping.


Along with first aid R.I.C.E., therapy and rest have to be followed religiously. The surgeon will advise physical therapy along with the use of a brace or crutches to minimize the weight-bearing factor on the injured area.


The physical therapist will suggest an exercise protocol which can be done with or without supervision as found suitable. The main goal is to reduce the swelling and the pain, strengthen the muscles followed by improving the range of motion of the knee. The orthopedist will suggest surgery if there is damage to more than one ligament or the meniscus in the knee is injured, or the knee buckles down during regular activities or the patient wishes to continue active sports.


A posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) injury is relatively less frequent in occurrence. The ACL and the PCL connect the shinbone and the thighbone. So, a tear in the posterior cruciate ligament will cause pain, swelling and instability in the knee which can take a long time to recover.


The extent of PCL injury determines the line of treatment. The orthopaedic surgeon could prescribe over the counter painkillers to reduce pain and swelling followed by physical therapy exercises to strengthen the muscles.


Also, the patient will require to wear a knee brace or use crutches to speed up the recovery. Surgery will be advised if reconstruction of the knee is essential due to tear in other ligaments or the cartilage is damaged, or the bone is broken.

Meniscal Tears

Meniscal Tears are also known as cartilage tears. Mensici is a fibrous rubber tissue located inside the knee and gives stability to the knee joint. A meniscal tear occurs when the mensici is dislocated or torn away from its attachments inside the knee.  Most meniscal tears are associated with ACL injuries or in cases where other ligaments of the knee are damaged.


In case of a meniscal tear, R.I.C.E therapy followed by physical therapy is advised. The patient has to take ample rest and avoid any weight-bearing activity in the initial few weeks. If the condition does not improve, arthroscopic knee surgery is recommended to remove the damaged meniscal tissue. You may seek advice from Dr. Ratnav Ratan, Sports orthopedic doctor in gurgaon.

Meniscal tears

Cartilage Defect

Cartilage Defect refers to the damage in the smooth white tissue that covers the ends of the bones. The smooth white tissue is known as the cartilage. Normal wear and tear and injury are the main reasons that damage the cartilage. Moreover, the cartilage does not heal on its own.


Surgery is the main treatment to stimulate the regrowth of cartilage. Surgeons are still developing techniques to repair damaged cartilage. Restoration of cartilage is the only way to delay or prevent the onset of arthritis and enable better function.

Cartilage Defect

Recurrent Patellar Dislocation

Recurrent Patellar Dislocation refers to an unstable kneecap that dislocates frequently. The dislocation could be because of irregularity in the structure of the knee or due to a previous condition or injury.


Initially, the surgeon may suggest exercises to strengthen the quadriceps muscles in the thighs.  The orthopaedic may recommend surgery if the condition of the patella does not improve even after physical therapy and braces.  Surgical treatment of the recurring patella will involve reconstruction of the holding ligaments. In case the dislocation is due to bone deformity or congenital an arthroscopy will be required to resolve the issue.

Recurrent Patellar Dislocation

Rotator Cuff Tears

A rotator cuff tear occurs to tennis players, baseball pitchers or sportspeople who do a lot of overhead activities or lifting activities apart from regular people. A rotator cuff tear weakens the shoulder and makes it difficult to perform daily activities. Acute rotator cuff tear occurs in combination with a dislocated shoulder, a broken collarbone or any other shoulder injury. The degenerative rotator cuff tear is due to stress, lack of blood supply and bone spurs.


The sports injury doctor in gurgaon will begin with rest and pain killer medicines to manage the pain. The patient will have to avoid activities that cause strain on the rotator cuffs and the shoulders.

Rotator cuff tears

Physical therapy exercises are suggested to strengthen the muscles. The surgeon will advise steroid injections to relieve the pain, if it persists even after a couple of weeks.

The orthopaedic surgeon will suggest surgery of the rotator cuff tear, if the tear has exceeded more than six months, or the tear is more than 3 cms in size and normal functioning of the shoulder is impaired.  The exact procedure of the surgery depends upon the extent of damage to the cuff, along with that of the surrounding tissue.  The surgery options include open repair, arthroscopic repair and mini-open repair.

Recurrent Shoulder Dislocation

Dislocation of the shoulder joint causes a lot of discomfort and unsteadiness in the shoulder. This dislocation can be partial or total in any of the following directions viz. backwards, downward and forward. A forward dislocation of the shoulder occurs when the arm is performing a throwing action. Hence, it happens most amongst sportspersons. It is essential to diagnose the reason for recurring shoulder dislocation as this causes damage to the bone and also to the shoulder socket.


Initially, the sports injury doctor in gurgaon will advise rest and painkillers followed by wearing a brace and physical therapy.  A shoulder surgery becomes essential if there is no improvement in the shoulder with nonsurgical treatment. The orthopaedic surgeon will perform a bone transfer type of surgery to resolve the issue.

Recurrent Shoulder Dislocation

AC Joint Disorders

AC Joint disorders refer to the injury involving the acromioclavicular joint. This joint is the meeting point of the collarbone and the shoulder blade. If the patient falls directly on the shoulder, then the AC joint gets separated, and a bump is created above the shoulder or a complete separation occurs.


The Sports orthopedic doctor in gurgaon will suggest application of cold packs, use of slings and pain killers to manage the pain. He or she will advise use of supports to ease the joint motion and lessen the pain.  If there is no improvement then surgical treatment is considered. The surgery involves trimming the end of the collarbone to avoid friction with the shoulder blade. Yet another surgical option is the reconstruction of the ligaments of the shoulder.

AC Joint Disorders

Impingement syndrome

Impingement syndrome or swimmer’s shoulder or shoulder impingement occurs most in swimmers, athletes, baseball players, and softball players. Increased pressure in the area between the rotator cuff and the acromion narrows, leads to irritation and hence impingement.


The Sports orthopedic doctor in gurgaon will advise rest, pain killers and reduced movement of the shoulder along with ice application to manage the pain and the swelling.  After the initial period, physical therapy is recommended for muscle strength. If required, surgery is performed to widen the space around your rotator cuff for enabling free movement. The orthopaedic surgeon will perform either open surgery or arthroscopic surgery to treat the impingement.

Impingement syndrome

Frequently Asked Questions

Knee injuries, ACL tears, and ankle sprains are some of the most common sports injuries in children. The recovery period depends upon the extent of the injury and in most cases, rest and nonsurgical treatments prove adequate for their healing. Surgery is advised only in case of failure of nonsurgical treatments.

Falls or accidents or overuse of knee injuries lead to cartilage or ligament injuries. Children tend to overuse their knee or indulge in repetitive knee movements which could harm the knee.

R.I.C.E i.e. rest, ice, compression and elevation are the most relied upon treatment to treat knee injuries. The orthopaedic surgeon can suggest bracing, physical therapy, or surgery resolve hard to heal knee injuries.

Dr Ratnav Ratan is pediatric orthopaedics and a sports medicine specialist. He can treat sprains, strains, dislocations, ligament tears, fractures, frozen shoulder, impingement syndrome. He is an accomplished orthopaedic surgeon who will suggest a holistic approach in the event of a sports injury of your child. The treatment could include surgical, nonsurgical and post-operative care too. He can treat sportspeople with special needs also.

As a sports medicine specialist, Dr Ratnav is qualified to diagnose the injury and its root cause accurately. He will work toward total rehabilitation and full functionality of the sportsperson. His focus will be to maximize the performance of the sportsperson and ensure he or she resumes the sports activity in minimal time. He will also guide the sportsperson to prevent further injury during sports activity.

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