Bankart Lesion of the Shoulder Joint Surgery in Gurgaon

Dr. Ratnav Ratan, is one of the leading orthopedist in Gurgaon, Delhi offers comprehensive solution to recurrent dislocation of shoulder.

Recurrent dislocation of shoulder refers to the injury to the labrum, the outer rims of the glenoid, and the shallow socket of the shoulder joint. The shoulder joint is a major and most mobile joint of the human body.  It connects the upper limbs with the trunk.

Anatomically speaking, the shoulder joint is known as the glenohumeral joint and comprises of a ball and socket. It lies between the scapula and the humerus. Explaining further, the head or the ball of the humerus i.e. the arm bone is placed in the glenoid which is a shallow socket. This socket is deepened by the labrum, a flexible tissue which lines the outer rim of the glenoid. The labrum is a very tough and flexible tissue. It is when the labrum gets injured leading to Bankart lesion.

Symptoms of Recurrent dislocation of shoulder

The patient experiences severe shoulder pain and repeated shoulder dislocations. Also, there is sense of instability and the shoulder aches.  The patient complains of extreme pain during overhead movements of the shoulder. The affected shoulder is likely to lock up or pop up.

Diagnosis of Recurrent dislocation shoulder

Patients with shoulder dislocation are most likely to have a Bankart lesion. However it is difficult to detect through physical examination.

Orthopedic doctors recommend a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) for its acute diagnosis.  The Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) proves helpful in detected the allied medical displacements of the inferior glenohumeral ligament located beneath the glenoid.

It is possible to diagnose recurrent dislocation of shoulder if there is a presence of contrast medium is found between the detached labroligamentous complex and glenoid. Also, it is possible to detect a bony bony Bankart lesion through radiographs.

Orthopedic surgeons have performed at arthroscopy and MR arthrography to get an overview of the soft issue in the recurrent dislocation shoulder. In such cases, a fragment of of labrum gets attached to the anterior band of the inferior glenuhumeral ligament along with a rupture in the periosteum of the scapula

Treatment of a recurrent dislocation of shoulder

As a  pediatric and sports orthopedic specialist Dr. Ratnav Ratan offers best possible solutions to treat recurring shoulder dislocation issues.  He is available for consultation in Gurgaon and Delhi. His expertise in treating and repairing recurrent dislocation of shoulder is noteworthy and exceptional too.

Initial treatment of recurrent dislocation of shoulder comprises of rest and anti-inflammatory medicines. The treating orthopedic surgeon may prescribe steroid injections, physical therapy to stabilize and strengthen the shoulder joint.

If required, the orthopedic surgeon will suggest arthroscopic Bankart Repair. It is a relatively new procedure done through small incisions. Though the procedure is slightly lengthy, the patient’s recovery happens quite faster.

Arthroscopic Bankart Repair is done under anaesthesia.  The surgeon makes small incisions up to 5 mm long in the skin of the affected shoulder. Sterile fluid is injected within that area to get a clear view of the surgical site. The surgeon inserts an arthroscope through one of the incisions and review the damage in the cartilage, tendons, and ligaments of the shoulder. As per requirement more incisions will be made to remove the damage and repair the joint.

The surgeon may insert suitable instruments to pull the tissues, remove the damaged tissues and remove the damaged. Once the damage is resolved, the surgeon will fix sutures to the dissolvable anchors which are fixed to the glenoid. The labrum will also be sutured and fixed on to the glenoid.

Arthroscopic Bankart repair in detail

Bone anchors are used in arthroscopic Bankart repair. They are drilled into the glenoid. These bone anchors are biocomposite in nature, i.e. they have a crystalline structure which the bone will replace over a period of time. These composite bone structures have sutures which are used to tie to the labrum i.e. the torn cartilage present in the anterior glenoid region. These composite bone structures are used to reattach tendons and ligaments mainly in the knees and the shoulders.  The shoulder joint is also tightened sutured through these anchors.  This process is referred to as capsulolabral plication. This is the procedure to repair the Bankart lesion through arthroscopy

The factors which determine Arthroscopic Bankart Repair are age of the patient, extent of damage and the extent of physical activity.

Recovery from Arthroscopic Bankart Repair

Initially, the patient will experience pain and discomfort. The repaired shoulder will be placed in a sling for the first four weeks. Also, the surgeon will suggest suitable therapies and rehabilitation to ensure comprehensive recovery of the shoulder joint including its strength.

Risks associated with Bankart Arthroscopic Repair

  • Infection in the wound
  • Wrong placement of anchor sutures
  • Nerve damage
  • Tear of the rotary cuff
  • Recurrence of shoulder instability on account of poor healing
  • Inflammation that could go away on its own
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